Inter-state peace conference in Rumbek agree to peacefully coexist

Two communities of Eastern and Western Lakes on Saturday during their two-day inter-states conference resolved to coexist peacefully.
The conference was under a theme: ‘Promoting community-based conflict resolution mechanism through dialogue, peace and reconciliation’, Radio Good News reported.
It aimed to transform Lakes States’ communities from conflict to peace and development.
Eastern Lakes State Government Chief Whip, Taban Abel Aguek, called on the participants to implement their resolutions.
He urges people to stop killing innocent civilians along high ways.
Greater Lakes States should cooperate in order to implement the resolutions agreed during the conference, Marik Nanga Marik, Western Lakes States Assembly Speaker told the communities.
He promised to work hand in hand with traditional leaders and youth to realize peaceful coexistence among communities.
The conference that was graced by Governors of Western and Eastern Lakes States, brought together 200 participants especially from the counties at the borders.