St Bakhita to mark Mental Health Day

St Bakhita Health Centre of Yei Catholic Diocese will mark the World Mental Day on Wednesday under the theme: ‘Psychological first aid, preserving dignity in crisis response’.
The Centre decided not to celebrate on October 10, due to the recent uncertainties in Yei, Radio Easter reports.
St Bakhita Centre is running a mental health and epilepsy program with outreaches to Morobo, Mugwo, Aworo, Tore, Goli and Ombasi since 2013.
The administrator of the Centre, Taban Richard George, says the event will help health experts create awareness on the importance of the service to the target population.
Richard calls on the population to take people with mental illnesses to the Centre to be treated.
He reveals that the Centre has drugs and health experts to offer free services to mentally ill people.
The administrator thanks Yei Catholic Church, Sign of Hope Hospital and the government for their continuous support in terms of drugs and staff to ease service delivery.