FAO concludes one-week agro-pastoral training in Rumbek

UN Food and Agricultural Organization or FAO on Monday concluded agro-pastoral community resilience training for forty people of Rumbek East, North and Cuiebet Counties.
FAO State Project Coordinator Louis Bagare told Radio Good News that the training aimed at rising awareness on inequalities within gender that affect livelihoods.
Men and women should together use the strength to improve their lives and address issues related to farming and keeping livestock, he advised.
It is good to learn about resources management in a diverse way to avoid land degradation, said Magang Machar Nyiny of International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
Take the knowledge to the people in villages and use it well, John Malith Rual, Director-General in the Ministry of Agriculture urged the participants.
He criticized the idea that educated people in South Sudan choose only to live in towns rather taking the skills they learned at schools and universities to their communities.