South Sudan commemorates Girls’ Education Day

South Sudan on Tuesday has joined the world to mark the International Girls’ Education Day at Juba Girls’ Secondary School.
The celebration under the theme: ‘Our girls, our future: Through education for sustainable development’ is witnessing dances, songs, dramas, sports and careers fair.
The focus on the Day this year is on the importance of educating the girl-child in South Sudan, increasing their enrolment in schools and retaining them in school.
Minister of General Education and Instruction Deng Deng Hoc Yai and Undersecretary Michael Lopuke Lotyam are grazing the occasion.
Education partners including Girls’ Education South Sudan, UNICEF; UNFPA; WFP; Plan International are participating in the ceremony.
Other partners: Windle Trust; Stromme Foundation; Cooperative Bank; BRAC and Boruboru are also attending the occasion.
United Nations first introduced the International Day of the Girl in 2012 to promote the rights of girls and addressing challenges facing them.