UNOPS ready to repair bridges in Yei amid insecurity

United Nations Office for Project Services, UNOPS on Thursday has expressed its readiness to work with local county authorities in Yei River State to repair bridges despite insecurity.
Project Manager Simon Bell made the statements while briefing the commissioners of the newly created counties in former Kajo_Keji County on the ongoing construction of bridges in the area.
The Bridges under the project include Kayaya.
Bell says UNOPs in collaboration with the local governments will gear efforts to construct main bridges along roads linking Yei, Morobo and Kajokeji.
He discloses that work on Kayaya and other bridges ‘is almost reaching its final stage to make it passable by the users’.
Bell cites numerous challenges of insecurity and logistics delaying the project as agreed.
He expresses their readiness to keep on partnering with the new counties to rehabilitate the bridges.
Meanwhile, Commissioners’ representative, Julius Tabule of Kajo-Keji County has commended the role played by UNOPS.
He describes it as ‘a motherly organization for connecting them to the common border line’.