Charity trains Journalists on conflict sensitive reporting in Yambio

Search for Common Ground Organization is training 18 Journalists of Radio Anisa State FM on conflict sensitive media reporting under theme: ‘I love my country’ in Yambio, Gbudue State.
The two-day training is to give relevant knowledge and skills to Journalists to carry their work effectively, Radio Anisa reports.
Gbudue Information Minister, Joseph Natale Sabun, in his opening remarks, confirms that journalists in the state are untrained, making work difficulty for them.
He pledges government’s full support and to make the environment conducive for freedom of media.
Radio Anisa Director Fr Elario Bazia Zambakari appreciates the State Ministry of Information for accepting its FM staff to join their colleagues of Church Radio in the training.
He advises the journalists from the two media houses to use the knowledge for their benefit and that of the community.
Daniel Lasuba of Search for Common Ground Organization, who facilitates the workshop, says the training is to enable media houses work jointly for a peaceful society of South Sudan.
He confirms that their Organization is working in partnership with the government and other partners in South Sudan to give more knowledge to Journalists.
The speakers made the remarks during the two-day conflict sensitive reporting training funded by Search for Common Ground Organization in partnership with Catholic Radio Network.