kpiro choir members promise to be exemplary citizens



Choir members from St Joseph Ikpiro Catholic Chapel promise to be exemplary peace makers in the Church and residential areas.


Youth Chairperson Jervas Rabbi says in three days they were able to learn the roles of youth in the Church and the community and leadership skills, Radio Anisa reports.


Santo Arkangelo Bakpakara testifies that he has learnt to be a good father and husband and how to resolve problems amicably.


Catechist, Santino Ndoromo Gangura preached to the youth and Christians to live simple life according to the way of God.


The choir members and Christians were able to conduct fundraising in order to put foundation of prayer house for church services.


Christians from Episcopal Church of South Sudan Ikpiro parish attended the Sunday prayers and also raised funds to the fellow brothers and sisters in the Catholic faith.