Mother of Mercy Hospital mourns colleague

Mother of Mercy Hospital and the communities of Nuba Mountains are mourning their medical staff, Ajman Yasin, who passed away last week in Kajo-Keji, South Sudan.
The late Yasin was struck by lightning in his second year of his health studies, Radio Voice of Peace reported.
Hospital Medical Director Tom Catena said they are deeply affected by the sudden death of their colleague who was studying to become clinical officer.
Dr Catena said that the deceased had wonderful performance and that the Hospital was waiting for him to continue working with them.
The Director called on the communities to pray for the soul of the late Yasin for God to accept him into Heaven.
The late Ajman Yasin started his primary school in his area of Tura and joined the Catholic Primary School in 2000s.
After completing Form Four in 2009, he went to work at Children’s Ward of the Mother of Mercy Hospital where he was later sponsored to study in South Sudan.
He is survived by two wives and five children.