Environmental team to award gifts to pit latrine erectors in Kumbur Payam

An Environmental and health team that set up a project for erecting latrines early this year, will award gifts to people who managed to erect pit latrines across the Nuba Mountains.
Kodi Wilson says the aim is to encourage all members of the community to prevent themselves from various diseases, Radio Voice of Peace reports.
He adds that the gifts consisting soaps and jerry-cans are part of the team’s monitoring initiative to confirm if people have erected the latrines.
Wilson stated that the presents is a kind of appreciation for hard work for the one who dug, covered the latrine with the slabs and built it locally.
The official calls on the community to maintain clean environmental to reduce diseases.
Wilson clarified that the presence will be awarded to only those who completed their work of latrine.
It is not yet clear how many people completed building their pit latrines.