Caritas Torit distributes sanitary towels to school girls

Caritas Torit distributed sanitary towels to one hundred sixty two girls in Bishop Akio Memorial Secondary School and two hundred-twenty-seven others to students of St Theresa.
The towels would help reduce the rate at which school girls miss classes because of menstruation, says Anwar Zachariah, Caritas Torit Education Officer.
He says they will distribute at least some towels to diocesan schools in both Namurunyang and Imotong States, Radio Emmanuel reports.
Beneficiaries from Bishop Akio Memorial Secondary School appreciate Caritas Torit’s help, saying the towels will keep girls in schools even during their monthly period.
‘I am very happy and would like to appreciate Caritas Torit, this is really showing that they are in our support, may God help them’, says Night Palma.
‘I thank Caritas Torit for their help. These things are very expensive in the market, but now the pads will help to keep us at least for some time in school, Jane Aya appreciates.
My thanks go to Caritas Torit for it have helped us in continuing to come to school, may God help them to keep on providing us with more, she adds.
The beneficiaries were speaking to Radio Emmanuel during awareness creation on the usage of the sanitary towels over the weekend.