Caritas Torit distributes food to vulnerable families

Caritas Torit, a charity organization of the Catholic Diocese, is distributing food to more than five hundred vulnerable households in Imotong State after the markets have run short of commodities.
Church authorities say the food they are distributing including rice, maize flour, sugar and oil is a rescue sort of ration as they call for more intervention, Radio Emmanuel reports.
Fr Jackino Lomogo, officer in charge of the distribution says it is necessary that the Church uses it little funds to assist the disadvantage at this critical moment.
Librata Guidio, a widow and one of the beneficiaries, says she was able to put something on the table for her four children after feeding them on green vegetable for the last one week.
70-year-old Elizabeth Zekia John is thankful to the Catholic Church in Torit for coming to her rescue by providing the food ratio.
She says for the last five days it has been very hard getting food in Torit, now that she has some ratio to push her for some days.
Meanwhile on Friday angry civilians stormed the government state cooperative looting hundreds bags of sorghum.
They blame the government of keeping food in the store while people are suffering.
Torit Town Mayor Eddy William says the food in the store is just too little to feed Torit population.