Food crisis affect restaurants in Torit

The rise and scarcity of food commodities in Torit is affecting hotels and restaurant forcing owners to close down since the business is not making profit.
Peter Osio, a regular client of Julia’s restaurant, decries the increase of food prices, Radio Emmanuel reports.
 ‘We have been eating a plate of food at twenty-five South Sudanese Pounds last week, but today it has increased from twenty-five to forty South Sudanese Pounds which is a challenge to us consumers”.
Another client who declined to mention his name complained of the increase in food prices.
‘Today a plate of food is at forty, what will it be tomorrow and the following day? If it keeps on like this, then we will end up buying a plate of food at one hundred pounds if our leaders don’t stop the meaningless fighting.
Am kindly requesting the apostolic administrator to talk to other churches like the one in Rome to pray for us because it has come to be worse.”
The restaurant owner identified only as Julia says ‘getting food now is a problem we price a plate of food at forty South Sudanese pounds and in the market a kilogram of beef is at two hundred twenty South Sudanese pounds, so; even if I put a plate of beef at forty South Sudanese pounds, there is no gain but one just provides so that those with nothing can also get something to eat otherwise people are dying and we don’t even know where we are heading to.
Many women in Torit who are operating small business are closing down because their work is not getting the required profit.