Government in dilemma of printing money to worsen economy

A top official says South Sudan government is in a difficult time to decide what to do to pay salaries of civil servants.
Aggrey Tisa Sabuni, Presidential Advisor on Economic Affairs says the worst decision and yet the easiest could be printing more money to pay civil servants.
He warns that printing more money will be more destructive to the economy than ever since he foresees up shooting inflation rates beyond imagination.
Tisa agrees that delaying salaries is not bearable under the current economic crisis.
Paulino Wanawilla Unango, the Minister of Justice says he too, has not been paid for three months.
He says he is also in dilemma as to whether to wait for the salaries patiently under the circumstances or join the rest in strike.
Above all, the senior government officials believe patience for the salaries is the only way to go.
Experts believe fixing South Sudan economy will take more years than people may think.
The cause of the economic crisis is attributed to long time over dependency on oil revenues, observers say.