South Sudan to deport foreign criminals

The Transitional Government of National Unity says it will soon screen and deport all foreigners without identification and professional skills.
Minister of Interior, General Alfred Lodu Gore says all foreigners without clear identification are criminals to be deported to save South Sudan from destruction with HIV/AIDS.
Juba Monitor Newspaper quoted the Interior Minister as saying ‘those with records of crimes and those who are called sex workers will all be deported’.
The exceptions are professionals like medical doctors, engineers and teachers who are benefitting the country, General Lodu reiterates.
He says the Ministry will very soon announce registration of all aliens in the country with their professions.
General Lodu says he has learnt that there are at least four million foreigners all over the country.
He discloses that the Joint Integrated Police will be deployed in all corners of Juba next week.
The Interior Minister was speaking during a visit to the Commission of Refugee Affairs in Juba.