People of Laro celebrate intermarriage

People of Laro area of Heiban County in the Nuba Mountains celebrated intermarriage.
Manadil Ibrahim Apero from Toro married Harafa Hussein Kocho from the Tira side, Radio Voice of Peace reported.
The father of Manadil, Nasradin Apero Tamoor described the marriage as a remarkable step in building good relations among various communities.
He called for peaceful coexistence and that everyone is free to marry from any tribe in the region.
The father in-law of Manadil Apero, Hussein Kocho Arindi also said there should not be differences in marriage.
Mr Arindi said the Nuba Mountains people are one and should intermarry.
He remarked that all Nuba citizens were struggling for liberation and that there should not be criticism in case a person marries from different tribe.