Back to learning program attracts thousands of learners in Wau

The back to learning program attracted thousands of learners, says Director of Planning and Budgeting in the national ministry of Education.
Hussein Mohammad says nearly sixteen thousand pupils and students have rejoined schools in 2014 mostly girls after the first back to learning program, Radio Voice of Hope reports.
This followed the inauguration of new schools in the state, he adds.
Mohammed discloses that education partners in collaboration with the ministry have planned to provide feeding, scholastics materials and construction of new classes this year.
He says the ministry of Education has opened three centers to accommodate affected IDPs pupils of former Wau County in the state to continue with their studies.
UNICEF representative, Shafeeq Al Rahman, assures their commitment to support the program and ensure that all children access learning opportunity.
The speakers made the remarks during the second launch of back to learning program under the theme: ‘Education today, success tomorrow’.
The occasion took place at EL Salaam Primary School on Friday.