Grab war profiteers to account, Enough Project Founding Director recommends

Hold the international facilitators of violence and looting in South Sudan to account, says Enough Project Founding Director in a publication, ‘South Sudan’s Prospects for Peace and Security’.
John Prendergast identifies Frontier Services Group or FSG as one of many international companies that gained from South Sudan’s bloody conflict ended this week with the formation of Transitional Government of National Unity.
Prendergast wants the United States’ Administration to place sanctions on anyone who provides financial, material or logistical support to entities committing violations of human rights.
Frontier Logistics Consultancy DMCC, a subsidiary of FSG Company reportedly signed 5.6 million US Dollars contract to provide logistical support to SPLA.
The Frontier Services Group has also provided security training and protection support services to South Sudan government at a cost of 300 million US Dollars according to Prendergast.