Voice for Change launches community action plan in Yei

Voice for Change has launched its second community action plan in Yei with the idea of promoting the rights of women and girls.
The launch was also intended to recognize the work of the community discussion members as advocates of change in the community, Radio Easter reports.
Community discussion members were also graduated.
The members express commitment to advocate for equal education, women’s rights, justice and end to gender based violence.
Clement Yope, the Research Coordinator of Voice for Change says the members will also discuss about positive and social norms in community.
Meanwhile, Gale Ezibon, the Chief Executive Officer of Yei Municipality appreciates Voice for Change for initiating the project.
He urges communities to own the project and embrace it to transform lives.
The launch of the plan was held at Rwonyi Quarter Council under the theme ‘I am committed to say no to sexual violence, what about you?’