Tonj farmers appeal for seeds’ assistance


Local farmers in Tonj State on Thursday appeal for seed assistance as they started to cultivate with the first rain.

One of the farmers in Madol B area, Mawut Achiek, says they have started to cultivate this week, Radio Don Bosco reports.

This year the whole state is in hunger and the only way to control is to cultivate earlier so that the new harvested food can rescue the situation by July, he stresses.

Mawut says the only problem they are facing is the insufficiency of seeds.

They are requesting the state government and NGOs to provide them with seeds.

Mama Achol Malok appreciates the national government for providing the states with tractors for cultivation.

She says they are waiting for the government to give directives on how the 20 tractors can be utilized by the whole state to benefit all people.