Bishop Hiiboro establishes Centenary FM for peace and unity


The Catholic Bishop of Tombura-Yambio on Tuesday opened a new radio station call ‘Centenary FM 100, the Voice of Bishop Gasi’ in Tombura County of Gbudwe State.

Centenary FM under the motto: ‘Be informed, be strengthened and be transformed’ is a sister radio to Anisa FM in the diocese.

The Radio was initially made for the Centenary celebration in 2012 to remember 100 years of faith in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio, says Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, Radio Anisa reports.

The new station is to reconcile and unite the community through a peaceful manner, he says.

Bishop Hiiboro urges the people of Tombura County to love, support and develop the Station.

Anisa FM Director Fr Bazia Boro Elario Zambakari says, Centenary Radio is a gift from Bishop Hiiboro to the people of Tombura County.

The vision of the station is to have reconciled and peaceful society built on human and spiritual and have mission to reach out to the people of the diocese and the state at large.