Government threatens to disperse Opposition forces in Equatoria and Bahr el Ghazal


The Government has threatened to disperse Opposition forces that described as ‘mere criminals’ in Equatoria and Bahr el Ghazal regions.

Government Spokesperson Michael Makuei Lueth on Tuesday told the media that the peace agreement does not cover establishment of cantonment sites for Opposition forces in the two regions, Radio Bakhita reports.

Last month, the deputy chairman of SPLM/A in Opposition General Alfred Lodu Gore told Radio Bakhita that their forces are present in Equatoria and Bahr el Ghazal regions.

JMEC’s Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism CTSAMM have been tasked to verify presence of SPLA/IO forces in Equatoria and Bahr-el Ghazal regions.