Japan donates 3.1 Million Dollars to save most vulnerable South Sudanese

More than 70 thousand vulnerable children and 15 thousand pregnant women in South Sudan are to benefit from Japanese government donation of 3.1 Million US Dollars, UNICEF discloses.
The contribution will provide primary health care and immunization services to children, UNICEF says in a statement.
The 3.1 Million Dollars’ donation also assists pregnant women in safe delivery of their newborns, the agency adds.
The contribution will fund the construction of a new water system in Juba Protection of Civilians site to provide safe drinking water to 50 thousand people, UNICEF says.
Jonathan Veitch, UNICEF’s Representative in South Sudan says interventions will target Upper Nile, Equatoria and Northern Bahr el Ghazal regions where humanitarian assistance is urgently needed.
Kiya Masahiko, Japanese Ambassador to South Sudan says Japan is responding to the country’s dual needs of humanitarian and development cooperation.