SPLA commits grave abuses in Western Equatoria, says Human Rights Watch

South Sudanese government forces have carried out numerous killings, enforced disappearances, rapes and other grave abuses in the Western Equatoria region, says Human Rights Watch.
Opposition armed groups have also committed serious abuses including rape, observes the Rights Watch.
The Human Rights Watch documented 11 cases of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial executions by government forces between November 2015 and February 2016 in and around Yambio.
The African Union Commission should move forward to establish a hybrid court to try the most serious crime cases from the current conflict in South Sudan as envisioned in 2015 Peace Agreement, recommends the Rights Watch.
The Rights Watch says the UN Security Council should impose a comprehensive arms embargo on all forces in South Sudan to curtail abuses against civilians.
Daniel Bekele, Africa Director at Human Rights Watch says arms embargo and effective war crimes court are crucial to stamp out abuses and send a message that crimes are punishable.