Rumbek Diocese Administrator returns from Rome

The Coordinator of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek on Monday returned home after a one month pastoral visit to Rome, Italy.
Fr John Mathiang told Radio Good News that he joined Sudan and South Sudan Bishops who went to Rome to share with Vatican authorities the growth of church.
He said they discussed with Superiors of the Congregation for the Evangelization of People issues including the situation of the Bishops’ Conference.
He added that they also discussed the situation of priests, Christian formation, vocation and challenges of each Diocese.
Fr Mathiang said they briefed Pope Francis on the situation of the Church in the two countries.
He noted that the Pope is aware of lack of bishops in Rumbek, Torit and Malakal Dioceses and is working to appoint them.
The Coordinator urges people of the Diocese of Rumbek to embrace peace in order to fight hunger and disease.