States’ creation, choice of governors must wait for permanent constitution

Opposition political parties say anybody who wants 28, 21 or less states in South Sudan must wait for permanent constitution making process prescribed in August Peace Agreement.
SPLM/A-In-Opposition advance team leader, Taban Deng Gai says the creation of 28 states and Christmas Eve appointment of governors after signing August Peace Agreement is a violation against the accord.
He calls for full implementation of the peace deal as a supreme document.
General Deng says creation of states must be based on 21 old colonial districts with clear demarcation, not ethnic justification.
SPLM-DC Chief, Dr Lam Akol Ajawin says it is shameful that South Sudanese politicians are becoming disciples of Khartoum regime in breaking agreements.
The government is wrong in imposing 28 states on South Sudanese without justification, Dr Akol says.
He challenges the government to prove its rationale of states’ creation in future permanent constitution making.
Dr Akol urges the government and SPLM/A-In-Opposition to speed up the implementation of peace deal rather than creating obstacles.