New states border dispute leaves dozens dead, several wounded in Tonj

A two-day fighting between Jalwau and Luoc communities in Tonj East County of Warrap State over internal border dispute in the newly created states left dozens of people dead and 94 others wounded.
Warrap State Deputy Governor Abraham Gum told Radio Voice of Hope in a telephone from Romwich on Monday that they are still to confirm the number of people killed in the fighting resulting from chiefs’ disagreement in a meeting over Lolwiech area border of Tonj East.
He says Warrap Governor Akech Tong Aleu and some of his cabinet members are in Tonj East to resolve the dispute, calling on communities to remain calm until the national government sets the Border Dispute committee.
The presidential order created three states in Warrap including Tonj, Gogrial and Twic states where locals now started scrambling over internal borders.