Washington Editorial Board says South Sudan still in danger

The Washington Post Editorial Board says judging recent events in South Sudan, conflict is still raw and prospects for a permanent peace remain questionable.
The Editorial Board in a publication on Tuesday wrote that President Salva Kiir and SPLM/A-In Opposition leader Dr Riek Machar are still at brink, spitting nails at each other over a rift of mistrust.
The Board says President Kiir’s unilateral announcement of changing South Sudan’s political map by creating 28 states from ten is the latest sign of danger.
It says Dr Machar is worried that President Kiir has cleverly found a way to dilute his powers in some key states.
The Washington Post quotes Dr Machar saying President Kiir’s Establishment Order No. 36/2015 ‘definitely would’ kill the peace deal if not amended.
The Opposition leader called an emergency meeting of 120-member Liberation Council leadership scheduled for October 20.
The Troika including The United States, Norway and the United Kingdom declared in a statement on Tuesday that the plan for 28‚Äâstates ‘directly contradicts’ the peace agreement signed in August.