Activist observes 28 states’ creation: divide and rule dictatorial policy

Faith-based organization activist observes that creation of 28 states in South Sudan on divide and rule basis is a characteristic of dictatorship.
Isaac Kenyi tells CRN in an exclusive interview that such as a policy of isolation and regionalization on tribal links is unhealthy for a nation and that it is a replay of Khartoum oppressive regime robbing people’s powers and abrogating agreements in 1983.
He questions how the 28 created states would be connected with one another for economic, political and social viability since the government was not able to make tarmac roads to link the ten states within the last ten years.
Activist Kenyi wonders whether President Salva Kiir has now secured enough money for buying V8 cars for all 28 governors and more county commissioners since he was complaining about economic implications of creating more counties when people demanded for them before mid December 2013 incident.