The European Union or EU Commission announced 5.5 million Euros contribution to United Nations Children Fund or UNICEF to support its operations due to alarming growing humanitarian needs in South Sudan.
In a statement, UNICEF says the EU funding would cover interventions in nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene and child protection.
874 thousand children under the age of five out of 4.6 million people are estimated to be facing crisis and emergency levels of food insecurity.
UNICEF says a quarter of a million children aging below five years are suffering from severe acute malnutrition.
UNICEF Representative in South Sudan Jonathan Veitch says the generous contribution from the EU Commission comes at a desperate time, with more than three quarters of a million people cut off from humanitarian assistance in the areas of South Sudan most affected by fighting.
Operations Director in Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department of the European Commission Jean-Louis De Brouwer says the humanitarian situation is going from bad to worse, as the conflict drags on at the expense of civilians and that people are surviving due to massive aid effort that they need to keep up more than ever.