Lightning strike kills 10 livestock in Kumu Fog

Lightning struck a house on Monday evening burning eight goats to ashes in Kumu Fog village of Kumbur Payam in Heiban County of Nuba Mountains.
An eyewitness said the lightning also struck two pigs killing them instantly under a baobab tree at the same neighbourhood, Radio Voice of Peace reported.
Sources reported no human causality when the incident took place, but that people were panicking.
In another neighbourhood near Kumu Fog market, unconfirmed reports say there was a house on fire before rain poured down.
In August 10, seven people in Heiban including five from one family were killed by the lightning while they were in a farm.
Three more people were also reported killed by lightning strikes in separate incidents earlier last month.
There was poor rainfall in the beginning of the season in the Nuba Mountains.