SPLM-DC Chief says federalism long popular demand giving power to people

SPLM for Democratic Change or SPLM-DC Chairman says there is no point of rejecting federal system of governance in South Sudan since it has been a long time demand of South Sudanese since 1950s and that the current form of decentralization in the constitution is an imposition of SPLM ruling party against people’s will.
Dr Lam Akol Ajawin observes that federalism is suitable for South Sudan because it gives power to the people and that any government that is for the people must listen to the demands of its citizens.
Dr Akol believes that although the conflict emerged due to SPLM leadership contest, federal demand is a relevant answer to the question of governance and that he wonders why government continues to reject what is a long time popular demand.
He says the root causes of South Sudan conflict ought to be discussed, resolved and that peace talks is always difficult and hopes peace settlement will be achieved with time.
Dr Lam Akol delinked from the SPLM party before South Sudan independence and formed his own known as SPLM for Democratic Change or SPLM-DC.