Parliament endorses Standard Gauge Railway Protocol for South Sudan

The National Legislative Assembly on Wednesday under the speakership of Mark Nyipuoch ratified Standard Gauge Railway Protocol.
Member of Parliament or MP Martin Mabil Kong who presented the joint report of Committees of Physical Infrastructure, Legislation and Justice says the Protocol caters for provision of alternative oil transportation through Northern Corridor that includes Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and South Sudan, Bakhita Radio reported.
He adds that adopting the Protocol means creating employment opportunities for South Sudanese.
The Northern Corridor cooperation partners share the cost of operation and maintenance of the railway regional enterprise.
NLA Minority Leader Onyoti Adigo Nyikwec welcomes the ratification of the railway protocol with mixed reactions, saying it may be costly, not beneficial but concludes that it is more secured than oil pipeline.
Tonj East MP Majok says the project encourages exportation of agricultural products to the neighboring countries.
The protocol seeks to address infrastructure, energy, trade and regional integration in the Northern Corridor linking to the Great Lakes region via Kenyan seaports.