ICRC launches to reunite conflict victims in South Sudan

The International Committee of the Red Cross or ICRC launched a new initiative to help thousands of people fleeing the violence in South Sudan.
ICRC head of project Marc Studer in a statement says they set up a new web page to enable people trace family members with whom they have lost contact.
He explains that the web page would allow South Sudanese living abroad, including United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and France to look for relatives displaced by the violence.
The Project head adds that photos of individuals are uploaded to the website so that a recognized photo by a close relative can click on the picture and send a message for ICRC to deliver to the person on the photo.
He hopes that the web page and its promotion on social media would help refugees and displaced people desperately searching for their families.
The Project head concludes that pictures of adults and unaccompanied children were taken by the Ethiopian Red Cross and the South Sudan Red Cross, supported by ICRC to facilitate the reunification process.