Conflict continues to depress South Sudan economy

Ongoing hostilities in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity States worsen the country’s economy as trade routes become restricted.
Newswire, New York statement CRN obtained on Tuesday indicates that markets in Bentiu and Malakal are functioning poorly or sometimes not functional.
The statement adds that suppliers are fearful to deliver goods to conflict areas leading to reduction in supply of goods and increase in prices.
Trade activities in Akobo, Jonglei State and Malakal dropped by 15 percent as of October 2014, the report indicates, adding that in Bentiu, Bor and Renk they fell by 30 percent.
The mobility in the conflict areas had reduced since the crisis broke out and markets are increasingly isolated.
The statement says market capacity in Rumbek town of Lakes State is down due to poor road conditions.