Catholic Church urges citizens to shun revenge, preach peace

Catholic Church urges citizens to free South Sudan from revenge, by preaching about peace, reconciliation and forgiveness in families, at school and all government institutions at all levels.
Rudolf Baibai Fausto during a workshop organized by Comboni Missionaries observes that when people continue with revenge crisis increases and no peace would prevail among communities.
Juba archdiocesan Priest Philip Pitya says the long war in the country distressed many families psychologically and economically, and that they drew five topics including women empowerment to raise their status to contribute to the community.
South Sudan Comboni Missionaries Superior Fr Daniel Moscheti says family life is a way of re-evangelizing South Sudan.
The three-day workshop that started on Wednesday and concluded on Friday brought together 30 participants from different Dioceses of South Sudan.