EAM grooms peaceful future leaders of integrity in South Sudan

As South Sudan rages in war for over 15 months now, a Christian organization identified as East African Ministries or EAM is staging Leadership Development International or LDI project in Nimule town of Eastern Equatoria State to hatch strong honest peaceful leaders of integrity.
LDI Project Education Manager Lauren Zumbrun on Wednesday told CRN Yanta Daniel Elisha in an exclusive interview that South Sudan needs peace leaders to take the next generation to transformation, skillfulness and understanding.
The Education Manager adds that the project’s two-year post secondary academy teaches students entrepreneurship skills to identify available local resources and develop them to benefit communities.
Madam Zumbrun believes entrepreneurship is an answer to South Sudan falling economy as it makes students to become more creative in developing resources to address economic questions of the day.
The EAM official says the first batch of 33 students with diverse origins in South Sudan expected to graduate in December this year are already displaying leadership abilities of unity, cooperation, listening and understanding.
She observes that as a Christian academy, learners are adopting Jesus Christ principles of peace and humility.
The East African Ministries strive to promote sustainable solutions for leadership development, health care and clean water to unreached communities in East Africa.