Parliament proud of Information Technology progress in South Sudan

National Legislative Assembly on Monday expresses pride and confidence to deliberate Information Communication Technology or ICT conference report presented by Youth Technology Development Organization.
Information Committee Chairperson Thomas Wani Kundu assures youth that the legislature would debate and adopt 15 recommendations’ conference report seeking to establish ten ICT training centres in South Sudan to pick up with the rest of the world.
Youth Technology Development Organization Chairperson Thomas Muto Samuel says by introducing the 15 ICT conference recommendations’ report to parliament; they are looking for support to empower young people through job creation.
The official urges South Sudanese to embrace self-reliance as opposed to dependency from others throughout their lives.
National Legislative Assembly Telecommunication and Postal Subcommittee Service head Jamal Kakaya calls on young people to use Information Communication Technology in a positive manner to save the nation from infiltrating harms.