Women activist urges South Sudanese to break away from negative cultures

Eve Women Development Organization Program Coordinator calls on citizens to break away from negative aspects of cultures such as overworking women in domestic affairs.
Mary Kamilo encourages women to influence their husbands to help them in kitchen chores.
She informs parents to open a new chapter by assigning male and female children equal duties and responsibilities at home.
The activist says she is on demonstration in her family by assigning her boy and girl equal tasks including washing dishes and preparing tea.
Coordinator Kamilo says it is not a sin or insult for a husband to do kitchen chores in the face of her wife and other observers.
She criticizes beliefs or practices that men should not be allowed to perform kitchen activities to save the face of women.
Coordinator Kamilo made the statement in CRN Nazra Shafafa program interview about household sharing on Friday.