Education funding constraint jeopardizes Sustainable Development Agenda

Education For All or EFA Global Monitoring Report says ‘unless concerted action is taken’ after 15 years of Millennium Development Goals failure , millions of children will continue to miss education even in the transformative vision of the new Sustainable Development Agenda.
Global Monitoring Report Director Aaron Benavot in a statement says ‘Governments must find ways to mobilize new resources for education’.
He adds that international partners must ensure aid distribution to the most needy.
The report recommends governments to make at least one year of pre-primary education compulsory and free education for all children.
It also suggests abolition of fees for tuition, textbooks, school uniforms and transport.
The report recommends policy makers to identify and prioritize skills to be acquired by the end of each stage of schooling and that teacher training should be improved to include gender focused strategies.