Radio Easter marks 5th anniversary

Radio Easter 94 FM: ‘The voice of truth and life’ of the Catholic Radio Network on Easter Sunday marked its fifth anniversary of broadcast service since its establishment in 2010.
Station Director Fr Emmanuel Lodongo Sebit says Radio Easter will continue to offer credible information, evangelization, education and entertainment to nationals for life transformation.
He calls on citizens and the government to commit to supporting Radio Easter in serving ethically.
Radio Easter regular listener Malish Cosmas lauds its service, calling for extension of the station’s transmitter to cover a larger area than before.
Yei Mayor Santo Paul Lasuba hails the station’s performance, vowing to continue cooperation with the media in disseminating information to public.
The radio on Easter Sunday hosts some regular fans and contributors in a live show to share experiences and life transformation testimonies.
Radio Easter was founded by the Comboni Missionaries and Catholic Diocese of Yei on January 21, 2010.
Its full broadcast was launched on Easter Sunday of April, 2010.