Disabled young man in Sarbule walks upright

A paralyzed young man in Sarbule, Kumbur Payam of Heiban County, Nuba Mountains began walking upright.
Kumi Sidig Tutu, 20, who had his left leg and hand paralyzed since his childhood after illness in 1998, told Radio Voice of Peace on Wednesday that he began walking straight when he applied pig’s oil on his disabled parts.
Mr Sidig, who used to move on a donkey, said his healing happened after a night sleep and when he woke up the following day, he found himself moving on two legs.
His parents Sidig Tutu Lalu and Abura Alamin Ebeid expressed deep happiness and praised God for their son walking once more after they spent a lot of resources in the past years to find treatment for their son, but in vain.
Mama Alamin said Mr Sidig now washes his clothes alone and performs his duties successfully and efficiently.