South Sudan hosts Northern Corridor peace, security cluster meeting

South Sudan as an observer member of Northern Corridor comprising Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya is hosting the regional cluster to address peace and security in the country.
Interior Minister Aleu Ayieng Aleu told journalists in Juba that the meeting addresses peace and security challenges such as terrorism, organized crimes, smuggling of small arms, human trafficking, illegal immigration, piracy, cattle rustling, money faking and poaching to make Juba and South Sudan as a whole a better place to live in.
Northern Corridor Chairman also Rwandan Internal Security Minister Sheikh Karerimana Mussa Fazil told the press that the Peace and Security Cluster meeting transforms conflict born nations with guerilla administration to good governance.
He added that the Corridor would train member states on good laws to change from guerilla management styles to well informed state management.
Northern Corridor Head of Delegation also Ugandan State Internal Affairs Minister Ambassador James Baba said the corridor ushers development projects implementation including road, railway, pipeline construction, free movement of persons, removal of work permits and single tourists’ visas.
Kenyan Head of Delegation Joseph Nyagah expressed commitment to cooperate with the government and people of South Sudan to realize peace, security, development and stability.