Malakal Christians want double Christmas celebration

Thousands of Christians from the three parishes including IDPs from UN camp and villages outside the town turned up for New Year’s thanksgiving mass marking Christmas celebrations in Malakal Catholic Diocese in Upper Nile State.
The faithful said they want to celebrate ‘two times’ in 2015 because they did not rejoice in 2013 Christmas and the New Year due to the ongoing fighting in the area, Radio Sawt Al Mahabba reported.
Malakal Vicar General Fr Angelo Mojwok, who presided over the Eucharistic celebration at St Joseph’s Cathedral, stressed the importance of forgiveness as the only way to rebuild the scattered society, wishing the people well in 2015.
Upper Nile State Governor Simon Kun Puoch exhorted the people to go to the Churches to follow the good advices they receive to intensify prayers for the benefit of the country, urging state leaders to work according to the will of the people.