Wau Catholic Bishop calls for hard work in 2015

Wau Catholic Bishop while presiding over Christmas Eucharistic celebration at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday, told thousands of Catholic Christians to desist from laziness and be hardworking citizens in 2015.
Bishop Rudolf Deng Majak said South Sudanese in 2013 and 2014 were mere consumers than producers as many seek for limited white collar jobs without tiling the land, Radio Voice of Hope reported.
He said most South Sudanese like to be accommodated by relatives and expect no questions, calling on them to begin working hard to improve their living conditions.
Bishop Majak asked the faithful to emulate Jesus Christ who was a hard working and obedient servant and brought light to the world for all to be saved from darkness.
He warned young men against indulging into sin, advising them not to manipulate God’s commandments.