Priest urges Christians to experience God’s love

A Catholic priest at Saints Peter and Paul Gidel Parish of Nuba Mountains while presiding over Christmas Eucharistic celebration, urged Christians to realize the love of God in their hearts.
Fr Tom Tisconia in his homily, told the congregation that Christ was born in the community and in each person’s heart, Radio Voice of Peace reported.
The priest cautioned that if people refuse to observe the Sacraments which are there to keep Christians close to God, they are refusing to accept Jesus Christ.
Saints Peter and Paul Parish Priest Francis Angela appreciated the congregation for coming to celebrate Christmas and conveyed the Christmas message of Emeritus Bishop Macram Max Gasis to Christians and people of Nuba Mountains at large.
In his message, Bishop Gasis urged the people of the Nuba Mountains and South Sudan to embrace Jesus Christ as the shepherds did in Bethlehem.