UNICEF laments ‘children still under daily threat in South Sudan’

United Nations Children Fund or UNICEF alarmed that after one year of conflict in South Sudan children are still under daily threat, estimating that 0.95 million children, fled their homes for safety.
UNICEF 2014 highlights, CRN obtained indicated that the health system of children was weakened with outbreaks of polio, cholera and kala-azar.
It added that 400 thousand children were forced out of school and that there is an increase in grave child rights violations recorded over the past years.
The agency recorded 85,133 children with severe acute malnutrition admitted for therapeutic feeding programme management from January 2014 to date.
It highlighted that the overall nutrition situation in most parts of South Sudan remains above global acute malnutrition level of 15 percent especially in Upper Nile, Unity, Northern Bahr Ghazal, Jonglei and Warrap States.