UNDP launches pilot projects to respond to mid December crisis

United Nations Development Programme or UNDP on Monday launched its pilot projects within the integrated crisis prevention and recovery: ‘Strengthening national capacities for early recovery, peace building and reconciliation’ in response to the December crisis at the UN house civilian protection site in Juba.
UNDP Country Director Bal√°zs Horv√°th said the programme seeks to enhance national capacities for early recovery, peace building and reconciliation in South Sudan.
He said UNDP is working with a number of development partners and NGOs including International Rescue Committee to implement the pilot activities and support mechanisms for coordination and information sharing across the camps.
Mr Horv√°th applauded the ‘great partnership’ of UNDP and UNMISS’ Reintegration, Rehabilitation and Peace building, UN Police, ACTED, Nile Hope, IRC, Non-Violent Peace Force and the community leaders.
During the pilot projects launch, participants exhibited their products based on the training they received. 
Earlier UNDP supported the establishment of the first Emergency Call Centre in Juba and assisted the independent Judiciary to build its capacity and expand its reach so that disputes are resolved in accordance with fair trial principles and credible justice processes.