Bishop encourages Seminarians to stick to vocation

Tombura-Yambio Catholic Bishop on Sunday encouraged St Joseph Minor Seminarians in Yambio to stick to their vocation.
Bishop Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala advised the seminarians to pray and work hard during their formation to succeed in priesthood, Anisa Radio reported.
He expressed happiness and joy to all the young men who joined the seminary, citing lack of priests as one of his biggest problems in the diocese.
Bishop Hiiboro encouraged seminarians and priests not to rely on the bishop as a provider, but work together for a success.
Bishop Hiiboro added Fr Abraham Abbayo would work with Fr John Gbemboyo and Mathew Zaume in the management of St Joseph Minor Seminary
Rector Fr John Gbemboyo said in 2014, they received 67 seminarians from all parishes except Mupoi and Namaku.
The head prefect Godwill Thomas cited water, food, fuel, library, sports gadgets and a spiritual director as major challenges facing St Joseph Minor Seminarians.