WES Governor calls on South Sudanese to open new page

Western Equatoria Governor on Friday called on South Sudanese to accept mistakes that happened in the country and open a new page.
Bengasi Joseph Bakasoro appealed to citizens to look at each other as brothers and sisters as the only way to achieve lasting peace, Bakhita Radio reported.
He said Western Equatoria would not support any tribal conflict, but work on national business.
Governor Bakasoro denied allegations that he made a statement telling Nuer and Dinka to go and fight elsewhere not in the state.
He clarified that he made a general statement that whoever wants to be involved in the conflict should not fight in Western Equatoria.
The Governor asked that for how long South Sudan will continue to fight after few years of independence?
Governor Bakasoro urged South Sudanese to learn from their history and forge a new direction.
He denounced retaliations in the new country.