Activist calls for equality in employment

Disability Rights Activist called for equal employment opportunities and decision making to realize development in the country.
Henry Swaka Joseph told CRN in the sideline of the symposium organized by SPLM on the rights of persons with disability that persons with disabilities have the rights to be involved in anything concerning the nation.
He urged the government to enact laws that allow their equal participation with other people in nation building.
Mr Swaka appealed to legislators, executive and business people to exercise equality in terms of employment.
One of the disabled persons, Lily Jwan, said she was facing many challenges at school as people use bad words to her.
She added that she persisted to complete her education to have a better future and help the country.
Ms Juan expressed confidence to do anything that able person can do because ‘disability is not inability’.
She urged the government to support persons with disability to contribute to the development of the nation.